Japanese Beetle Protection 
Special One Time Application Offer: Only $75!
We're excited to offer a special price on Japanese
Information about Japanese Beetles
Japanese beetles have eaten their way through many rose bushes, grape vines, trees, and other plants in Southeastern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois over the past few summers. These terrible pests can devour a rose bush in a matter of hours, and if they are not treated, can cause permanent damage to trees!
Recognizing Signs of Japanese Beetles

Dead patches of grass spotting your yard
Japanese beetle grubs feed on the roots of grass before they turn into their adult form. Multiple patches of dead grass could indicate that a lot of adults are about to take over your yard.
Skeletonized leaves
Adult Japanese beetles eat all the "meat" off of leaves of all types of plants. You can tell Japanese beetles have infested your yard when the plant appears to be dying from the